Monthly Archive: December 2021

Legal Aspect in Buying

Legal Aspects in Buying The materials manager commits a good deal of corporate finance when he places purchase orders It is imperative that he understands the legal aspects that are relevant to his profession....

Determining the optimal Buying Strategy

Determining the optimal Buying Strategy In building up this optimal buying strategy (as also in case of conservative and hindsight buying) the following assumptions are implicit 1. Time has been divided into successive periods;...

Method of purchasing

Methods of Purchasing It is an essential prerequisite of large-scale produetion that continuity of supplies should be maintained. It is as important as the cost of production, Running out of raw materials means danger...

Price Forecasting

Price Forecasting Forecasting is essential for sound functioning as well as the survival of any firm. Through forecast of demand, we evaluate the factors in the environment which influence the operations of the firm...

Importance of Purchasing

Importance of Purchasing Purchasing is a fundamental function in an industrial establishment. An industrial enterprise is primarily meant for converting raw materials into finished products. Thewheels of industry will not move unless materials of...

Purchasing Function

Purchasing Functions or Activities The purchasing department in a big industrial concern has to perform the following functions in order to procure at right time, in the right quantity and at the right price:...

Objective of Purchasing

Objectives of Purchasing The major objectives of scientific purchasing may be stated as follows: 1. Procurement of required quality and quantity of materials at the best price, not necessarily the lowest price. 2.Procurement of...

Creative Purchasing

Creative Purchasing Meaning and Definitions of Purchasing Purchasing is an every-day function of almost everyone and occupies much of the time both of business houses and ultimate consumers. There are three basic types of...

Material Managment

Integrated Material Management Material management is a very wide term and includes store keeping and purchasing a wide variety of activities like materials planning, inventory control, value analysis’ standardization, production control and pre-design value...

Objective of material managment

Objectives of Material Management It is quite obvious that every department objectives are those one set by the organization at the time of formation.But since every department has its own type of functions, their...