
Motivation is an indispensable function of management. When man is at work, he cannot be forced to work like a machine. He is a human being who has his dignity, self-respect, values, sentiments and aspirations apart from the economic status. Under such circumstances the efficiency of the enterprise is related not merely to the efficiency of sophisticated machines installed but more importantly upon the satisfaction and the spontaneous desire of man to put his mind and heart into the work. This spontaneous urge to involve in work is not merely related to monetary awards or assignment of position or the direction to perform the duty or even the fear of punishment but to the mechanics and system of motivation.
Motivation encompasses complex aspects of human behaviour to which contribution has been made by sociologists, social anthropologists, psychologists and business
executives. This concept has its roots in motives within, person which induce him to behave in a particular manner.
Generally speaking, the concept of motivation is by and large psychological which “relates to those forces operating within the individual employee or subordinate which impel him to act or not to act in certain ways
Motivation refers to the way in which urges, drives, desires, aspirations, strivings or needs direct, control or explain the behaviour of human beings.
This is a deep-seated definition of Motivation. It includes three things:
i.The urges, drives, desires, aspirations, strivings or needs of human being influence human behaviour.
(ii) The factors which influence human behaviour psychological, sociological, economic or managerial.
(iii) The efficiency of such behaviour – this may be tested by the resultant action. Whether this behaviour has directed, controlled or implemented the desired action.
If the entrepreneur feels motivated his behaviour will bring about the desired action. Motivational factors constitute the inner urge present in an individual which continuously demands from him to do something new and unique as also to perform better than others. The motivational factors again are comprised of three basic elements- entrepreneurial motivation, personal efficiency and coping capability. The achievement motivation is also termed efficiency motivation. McClelland and Winter have made considerable studies and concluded that what motivates a person to do something new or something to seek better is the inner urge which directs him towards such
ends. This urge also force a person to use the resources efficiently than to be negligent of it. Also important is the power of motivation which is really the urge to have control
over others and to direct their course of activities towards the end which one seeks to attain. These motivational factors induce the person to undertake entrepreneurial activities which relate to creating a new business where there was none. This also means to excel the performance in carrying out any activity by striving through persistent efforts unlike others who do not have sufficient capacity for hard